OPEX Vs CAPEX Difference in Solar Solutions


Switching to solar power is a commendable move for your business, and a cost-effective one too in the long run. However, there are a lot of underlying technicalities you need to know before making the final move to go green.

Feature Solar OPEX Model RESCO CAPEX - EPC Model
Ownership Provider owns the system Provider owns the system Client owns the system
Upfront Costs Minimal upfront costs Minimal upfront costs Significant upfront investment
Monthly Payments Fixed monthly fee for energy Fixed monthly fee for energy No monthly payments
Financial Risk Low financial risk for client Low financial risk for client Client bears financial risk
Maintenance Provider handles maintenance Provider handles maintenance Client responsible for maintenance
Flexibility Flexible financing options Flexible financing options Limited flexibility in financing
Scalability Scalable for future expansion Scalable for future expansion Scalable for future expansion
Environmental Impact Reduces carbon footprint Reduces carbon footprint Reduces carbon footprint
Tax Incentives Dependent on ownership structure Dependent on ownership structure Available to system owner
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